Getting Started

The typical workflow:

  1. Open an audio file
  2. Select instrument parts
  3. (Optional) Edit measures and beats
  4. (Optional) Edit notes
  5. Export as PDF, MIDI, or musicxml

Open an audio file

Click open file icon or File > Open or drag-and-drop an audio file into the side panel (mp3, wav, ogg, flac, etc).

Select Instruments


Click sheet music settings icon to open sheet music settings. These are the instrument parts that will show up when you export sheet music or MIDI. Make sure there is one part for every instrument you want in the sheet music. Each part has a settings button settings icon that can, for example, set tablature for stringed instruments like guitar.

Note Groups

Each note is assigned to a group and each group is assigned to a part. Usually you want one note group for each part, but for piano you may want one note group for treble clef and another for bass so you can adjust which clef a note is written to.

Edit Measures

Measure editing mode
Measure editing mode

Click the measure tab measure tab or press "2" on your keyboard to switch to measure editing mode. AnthemScore needs to know where the beats and downbeats are located in order to create sheet music. In the main spectrogram window, downbeats are blue lines and non-down beats are thick gray lines with beat numbers at the top. The thin gray lines between beats show the smallest note spacing. You can change the smallest allowed note in the side panel (spectrogram controls box). Basic measure editing:

Important: Since the first blue downbeat is the start of the first measure, you won't be able to add any notes before this line. If needed, drag it left to before the start of the first note.

Edit Notes

Click the note tab note tab or press "1" on your keyboard to switch to note editing mode. Left click on the spectrogram to add or remove a note. Right click and drag to select a group of notes. To clear the selection, just right click. Some tools for editing notes:


Click export icon to export a sheet music or MIDI file. Format options include PDF and musicxml. Click save icon to save an AnthemScore project file.
