AnthemScore is the work of a solo developer!
Please check for your question below
Can AnthemScore detect instruments?
Yes, with a little preparation. First, tell it which instruments exist by creating parts in instrument settings. Then run automatic instrument detection from
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How do I get guitar tabs?
Enter instrument settings and change the instrument to guitar. Then click the gear icon next to it and select "Tablature" under Staffs. Take a look at the number of frets and the string tunings under Tablature options and adjust as needed.
Can AnthemScore detect lyrics, chords, drums, or percussion?
Currently, no. You can export a musicXML file into any 3rd party music notation program, like MuseScore, and then manually add these.
Can I get just the bass clef or just treble clef for a part?
Yes. To change which staffs show up in the sheet music, go into instrument settings and click the gear icon next to the part and then pick an option under Staffs.
Can I change which notes get assigned to the Treble and Bass clef?
Yes. First click and drag along the keyboard to select the notes that you want in the treble clef and change their note group to a new note group like group 2. Then in instrument settings find Note Group 2 and select Treble Clef. Then change note group 0 to Bass Clef.
What audio formats are supported?
Most common formats are supported, like MP3, WAV, FLAC, OGG Vorbis, OGG Opus, WavPack, MusePack, etc., but files with DRM, such as m4p will not work. Others like M4a or AAC may or may not work depending on your operating system. If you get an error trying to open an audio file, convert it to a supported format first like WAV and try again.
How do I transcribe a song on YouTube?
You need an audio file stored on your computer to process in AnthemScore. Many sites will convert a YouTube url to mp3 for you.
Can AnthemScore transcribe my particular song?
Yes, but the accuracy varies from song to song. Some instruments may require more manual editing. The only way to know for sure is to download the free trial and see for yourself.
Can I do anything to improve the accuracy?
The biggest thing you can do is use a high quality audio recording with as little noise as possible. Modifying an existing audio file (slowing the tempo, etc.) is generally not going to improve the accuracy of the automatic note detection. All audio is internally resampled to 44100 Hz before processing, so using a sample rate higher than that will not help.
What about songs not tuned to A440?
AnthemScore currently isn't able to accurately process songs that aren't tuned to standard A440, but you can use other software like Audacity to first shift the pitch to A440 and then run the song through AnthemScore. This requires calculating the ratio of the song's 'A' to 440 Hz. Changing the pitch either with or without changing speed will both generally work.
Purchase & Activation Key
I lost my activation key. Can you resend it?
Search for an email with "AnthemScore Activation Key" in the subject. If you can't find it, visit key recovery.
What is the link to upgrade or buy updates?
Enter your activation key.
What do I get when I purchase?
By purchasing, you can use the program forever on 4 computers plus 1 extra computer each year after. You also get 1 year of software updates at no extra charge, starting from the date you purchase. After that, you have the option to purchase another year of updates for less than the cost of a new activation key. There are no automatic charges--if you don't want further updates you can simply do nothing and your current version will continue to work. Purchasing also gives you access to some older versions of software.
Can I transfer a license to another computer?
No. However, each activation key can be used on 4 devices plus one extra device each full year from your purchase date.
How many activations do I have left?
Enter the email used for purchase and your activation key to check the number of activations remaining.
I re-installed the operating system. Will that use up an activation?
If it's the same physical computer, it should not change your total remaining activations. You can verify this using the form above and send us an email if that is not the case.
My email address changed. Can you update it?
There's usually no need to update your email address, since it's only ever used once to send a purchase confirmation email. It's recommended that you forward that email yourself to your new email address.
How do I upgrade my edition?
After you purchase, if you want to upgrade to a higher edition (such as Professional or Studio) you can click
which will provide you a link that shows your options and pricing. You can upgrade to a higher edition within 24 hours of purchasing an activation key for just the price difference between them. Otherwise, the cost to upgrade is the price difference in editions plus about USD $3.00.
Upgrading is different from updating to the latest software release. If you want to keep your same edition and just get the latest software release, see how to update. -
Can you resend the email receipt for my 1 year of software updates?
Enter the email used for the software updates purchase to resend the confirmation email.
Can you resend the email receipt for my edition upgrade?
Enter the email used for the edition upgrade purchase to resend the confirmation email.
Installation & Setup
Can I download an older version?
Yes. lunaverus.com/download/old. See the license note.
Does AnthemScore run on mobile phone, iPad, or Chromebooks?
No, you need a desktop or laptop running Windows, Linux, or Mac OS X.
How do I update to the latest software release?
to see if a new update is available. On Windows: a prompt will appear to apply updates if you originally used the installer wizard. If you instead downloaded the zip file then there is no updater and you can simply delete the installation directory, download the latest version, and reinstall it. The license file will not be removed, since it is stored in a separate application data folder. For Mac: download the latest version from the website, open the .dmg, drag to copy to the Applications folder, and choose to replace the older version.
When you purchase, you get free software updates for 1 year. After that, when you update to a new version you will see a link to purchase another year of updates for about 75% of the normal purchase price. Purchasing new updates is completely optional. You can always continue to use any older version that you have already purchased and installed forever. Some, but not all, older versions are maintained on the site for download if you need to re-install an older version. -
What can I do if it says I have low memory?
Try closing all other programs to free up some RAM. You need a minimum of about 4 GB free RAM for most songs. Task Manager on Windows can show you how much memory you have available. You can also process only part of a song, like the first minute or 30 seconds. The memory AnthemScore uses is approximately proportional to the length of the song you are processing. If you frequently see the low memory message you may need to install more RAM on your computer or use a different computer with more memory.
Why might the program be crashing?
The most common reason for this is running out of memory. The software should display a message if it detects low memory. See the above question for more info on memory. Some people experience crashes after note detection finishes when the internal sheet music viewer tries to display sheet music. If this happens, click
and try selecting the web browser option or a 3rd party notation program to display sheet music. If you experience a crash when trying to open a file, try dragging and dropping the file you want to open onto the side panel instead of clicking the 'Open' icon. If you encounter any other issues, send some feedback from within the app ( ). -
Can I turn the automatic updates check on/off?
Can I install on 32 bit Windows?
No. The 32 bit build has been discontinued.
How do I uninstall?
To uninstall, simply delete the installation folder. For Windows, this is by default "C:\Program Files(x86)\AnthemScore" or "C:\Program Files\AnthemScore". If there is a "maintenancetool" program in the installation folder you can run this and select the remove option and the installation folder will be automatically deleted for you. For Mac, just delete AnthemScore from applications. The optional final step is to delete the AnthemScore application data folder. This folder contains preferences and activation info that will be applied if you re-install later. The default location is Windows: "C:\Users\YourUsername\AppData\Local\AnthemScore", OS X: "~/Library/Application Support/AnthemScore", Linux: "~/.local/share/AnthemScore".
If your question isn't listed above, send an email to support@lunaverus.com. If you don't see a reply within a week, please check your spam folder. Questions in the FAQ may not receive replies.